Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wow almost another week has gone by since I posted last sorry Rebekah. Maybe I could actually post if I wasn't working on peoples sidewalks all the time. (If anyone is wondering I am just being sarcastic.)

It has been a good week, short though with Monday being a holiday. Mom's birthday was on Wednesday so we all got together at Tim and Steph's place for supper. Steph made an awesome roast beef dinner. Hey Steph you busy next Thursday night, just wondering if you fell like making another roast beef dinner? We had a good time there and got to see some of the improvements they have made to their house. They have fixed it up to sell and the first day it was on the market someone came through it and put in an offer and now the house is sold. They have sold their house because they are going to Mexico as missionaries in September Lord willing.

Dad, Mom and Mika. I think Tim decorated the cake if I am not mistaken.

Wednesday evenings we have a Bible study at a friends place and we are going through Genesis. We were in chapter 8. I was trying to figure out where the light came from as there was only one window and it is hard to imagine how the light could get to all three floors. Well I am sure God didn't keep them in the dark even if I feel that I am sometimes.

Friday evening the Sinkes, good friends of our's came over for supper. They wanted to see my pictures and hear about my experiences in Mozambique.

Now it's Saturday and I just got back this evening at about 10:45 from spending the whole day at Mark and Rebekah's working on there side walk. Wow jobs like this are a lot of work, especially for people who have never done them before.

I am not sure if this was the first or the second time building this step. I got the heights messed up the first time so I had to take it all down and redo it.

The almost finished job. We are still waiting on a few cap pieces for the top of the wall. They were all sold out.

The final Step

It was kind of funny while I was working this afternoon, two of Mark's neighbours came over. The one neighbour just had concrete poured over almost all his front yard. He was wondering if i would come and cut it for him. Up put cuts in concrete so when it settles that it crackes where you cut it and not somewhere else. The other neighbour has been having problems with the floor in their shower in the basement. The grout keeps cracking between the tile. I went and had a look at it and gave them some suggests as to what could be done. Never a shortage of things to do anyways. There you have it, that's what my week entailed.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love my new walkway! I can't believe how different the front of the house looks from last week. I'm so blessed to have a husband and his brothers who are so good at fixing, building, putting things in and together! Thanks to both Andrew and Mark for the long hours (13?) they put in today!
Love Rebekah

Andrew & Bethany said...

Your Welcome Rebekah. Remember stay off the step for a bit while the glue dries. Hope you get many years of service from it.

Lots of Love, Andrew

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Good work guys, the step and walk way look gorgeous! Rebekah, I'm sure you had a lot to do with the selection and colors, they look awesome too - very nice!

Anonymous said...

About the snide remarks Andrew, if you weren't "always out doing sidewalks" and such, then you wouldn't have anything to blog ABOUT! So we actually did you a favour! Jk. Thanks again!

Andrew & Bethany said...

Ya your right Rebekah. So what else do you want me to do so I have something to blog about?


Anonymous said...

Oh, I guess most people realize that Gen. 8 is about Noah's ark and Andrew is referring to the light in the ark from one window. I actually never thought about that before, good point... GOOd job on the walkway too Andrew and Mark (and Rebekah, good choice).

Anonymous said...

Hmm, things to blog about? Well what about that new house I want to build? I'm SURE people would love to read about that:) But if you're not feeling busy enough I know I could proabably get some more neighbours interested in your expertise:)
PS- I KNOW you want it to last us for many years, beacause you (and Mark) are hoping to not have to do that again for a VERY long time! I know I don't want to have to watch you do all that work again! It's pretty stressful watching two men work that hard:) Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Mi casa es tu casa, Andrew! You are welcome anytime! =)

Anonymous said...

brick houses! wow...not too many of those out this way...when we first moved to bc i thought the houses were all so ugly and now it seems funny to me that brick is funny to me. reminds me of grandma and granpa's house on elizabeth street...i always loved the name of their street :)
cousin liz.