Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We Serve a Faithful God

I have access to the internet a little sooner then I thought I would, but I’ll take whatever chance I get. I pray that this letter finds you all in good health physically and spiritually. There are a few verses that really encouraged me this morning that I would like to share with you. John 16:15 Jesus says “All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” It just really hit me that all that the Father has is given to me. I have His strength, power and love but it is my choice if I will use it or try to just do things in my own strength, power and love which I have none, but I still try sometimes. I am so thankful that God is helping me to rely on Him more and more. John 16:33b “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart: I have overcome the world.” I don’t know where you are at and what struggles you are facing right now, but Jesus knew that it was coming and He has given you all that you need to be an over comer as well. 1Tim 3:12 “Indeed all who live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” But thanks be to God who has already given us all that we need, we already have it and now we just have to live in the good of it. I hope this might encourage you as you continue on your journey with Father.

Here are a few pictures of some of the things I talked about in my second update. If you aren't getting my updates and would like to please email me andywd40@gmail.com

I went up a large hill near the base here and took a few pictures, this one being one of them.

With my camera stuck in the tree I was able to get me in the picture.

This is one of the windows I am working at putting in the Bible School. I know it doesn't look to pretty but it isn't finished yet.

A sunset over the village of Che Utumulie where we showed the Jesus Film.

We are getting set up to show the film as people are coming.

I made the mistake of mentioning that I can make cinnamon rolls so they weren’t going to let me leave without making them before I leave so Saturday morning I made 50 cinnamon rolls and we got all the foreign missionaries and a few others together and we all had them for breakfast. It was the first time the Wilcox’s had cinnamon rolls, I guess they are not an Australian thing, but they might be now.

Saturday morning while I was up at Wilcox’s make the cinnamon rolls Debbie said “Oh Andrew Peter asked me to ask you if you would speak at church Sunday morning and I meant to ask you last night but I forgot.” I said I would not know what it was God wanted me to speak on. It wasn’t too much notice but other times when I have been in Africa I have been asked Sunday morning to preach, so I was thankful I had a little more time to seek the Lord. I spoke on who were are in Christ and the privileges and responsibility that comes with that.

My bosses wife gave me a few pairs of sandals to bring here to Moz to give away. Her sister had bought them in Mexico but they had never been used. When I got here I gave them to Wilcox to give to whoever they felt needed them most. Two of the biggest pairs they felt the Lord was telling them to give to two of the guards James and Christopher. Sunday morning James got up to testify of the goodness of God. He is from Malawi and has had to make several trips back because of deaths in his family. His brother, wife and most recently his father died. This last time he was in Malawi the two children of his brother that died asked James for some shoes. James said he didn’t have any money but felt the Lord was telling him to sell his shoes and buy his brothers children some shoes. He didn’t know what he was going to do for footwear but knew God would provide. When he returned here to Moz Debbie gave him the sandals. He said “The shoes I sold were cheap once but the one I received are really good ones.” I was just reminded that before we call our Father knows our needs and is providing. Those sandals were bought months ago and God knew exactly who they were for even though they lady that bought them didn’t. Everyone was very encouraged.

James and I

There is also young lady that was demon possessed and the Wilcox’s spent a lot of time praying for her and visiting her and even had her come stay with them for a while. Finally God freed her from all of Satan’s control on her life and she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. She now walks six hours, three hours each way to come and fellowship with her brothers and sisters on Sunday morning. She loves the Lord and often carries one of her children on her back with her. There was a pair of women’s sandals and they fit her perfectly. God knows our needs and is delighted to give us good gifts.

L/R Debbie, Lucia(She is the one that was possessed), Annelisa, Mikialia, Karmelia

Something personally that was very encouraging for me recently was God’s provision for one of my plane tickets home. I had bought my round trip ticket from Detroit to Maputo and back but the Wilcox’s said they would book my flights from Maputo to Lichinga and back. When they emailed me and told me they had booked my flight it was much less then I had thought it would be for a round trip ticket. I got here and found out that they had only got a one way ticket. It was no fault of theirs they never said it was a round trip ticket I just thought it was. I didn’t have the money though to buy the ticket to get back to Maputo on the 22nd. I didn’t tell anyone I was just praying and making my needs known to the Lord and he provided through someone not on this continent. I have seen God provide in many ways but I must confess that I was worry that God might not come through. Why do I doubt you Lord you have never been unfaithful?

I spent all day Monday working on the Wilcox’s laundry tub and I just finally finished it today, which is Tuesday morning. Next I am supposed to be making some wooden boxes for storage of things for when guests come. Lord willing the wood will come in and I can also start making bunk beds for the girl’s dorm. It was supposed to be here a week ago, but when they were to go and get the wood one of the guys was afraid to go because of things to do with witch craft. Witch craft is very strong her and with out Christ people do have reason to be afraid of Satan’s power. So many live their lives in fear, because they have seen people who have been cursed by witch doctors and they have died or they are crazy or maybe have some disease that cannot be curried. Jesus is the only one who can and is setting people free from all of this, because He has overcome the world.

This is the Laundry tub almost finished, I don't have any pictures of it finished yet.

It would be such an encouragement to me to hear what God is teaching you and how He is meeting your needs, if you have a few minutes to send me an email. Thanks so much for your prayers please keep us in your prayers especially Friday as we go back to the village where we showed the Jesus Film to start doing some disciplining of those who accepted Christ.

I have two weeks left, my half the time is gone already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so encouraging to read your blog Andrew and nice to keep up with you by looking at the pictures. Can't wait to have you back home again.
Mark and Rebekah