One week from yesterday Lord willing I will be on my way to
It is kind of hard to prepare for a second trip when I haven't even gone on this one yet, but I got a pack of information from Teen Missions yesterday. One of the things they ask is that each person that goes with them, get at least 16 prayer partners. We know it is the prayers of our partners that carries us through our summer. We come against some very difficult things and discouraging times and we are encouraged to know that we have brothers and sisters interceding for us. If you would like to be a prayer partner with me please email me and let me know and please send your address that is one thing Teen Missions asks for and also I will send you one of my prayer cards with a picture as a reminder. I do appreciate this very much and I know it is people like you who make what I am doing possible. I am not super strong I need prayer to be able to carry on and be faithful to what Father asked me to do, including this trip to Mozambique. I don't mean to rush anyone but it will be gone for five weeks before I get back and I would like to get this paper work sent back to Teen Missions, before I leave. If you are willing to partner with me if you could let me know with in the next few days I would really appreciate it.
Of course you can put us down Andrew, I was just wondering if everybody that reads this realized that the summer trip you are refering to, that you need prayer partners for, is your trip as a leader with Teen Missions going to India this summer, I believe from some time in June until mid August - right? This of course is after he gets back from his 5 weeks in Mozambique. Just wondered if that was clear...
Of course, we could always pray about BOTH trips... Andrew, Mark and I would be honoured to be prayer partners with you!
Love, Mark and Rebekah
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