For lunch Pavi(One of the men that works for James at the burger stand) brought over some seafood soup for us to try. He only brought it for us guys because he figured the ladies wouldn't want any and he was right, we tried to share.
Here are a few things that we in it. Shrimp, octopus tentacles and some
other mussel like thing as well as many vegetables. I loved it it was so good.
Late in the afternoon I was finally ready to start grouting the tile on the wall. I realized we didn't have any grout so I called James and asked him if he could buy some grout while he was out. He went and got five bags which were all supposed to be white grout. I mixed up one bag and it was a little off white but we thought that it would maybe whiten as it dried. I almost had the wall all grouted with only six feet to go when I ran out of grout from the first bag I had mixed. I took another bag and mixed a little more but that stuff was pure white quite different then the other I had just put in. We started to look at lot numbers on the bags and found we had at least two different lots. We found one bag that we thought would be the same as I had already put in and mixed it up, but that stuff was very brown way to dark. Finally our only option was to scrap out all the grout I had put in and redo it with all white grout.
James and I just had to laugh as we were scraping all the old grout out. We were thinking that we had just about had everything go wrong that could, but no not yet. God is really teaching us to persevere through these difficult situations. Finally buy 10:30pm I had all the grout in the second time.
James and I just had to laugh as we were scraping all the old grout out. We were thinking that we had just about had everything go wrong that could, but no not yet. God is really teaching us to persevere through these difficult situations. Finally buy 10:30pm I had all the grout in the second time.
Putting the grout in the first time.
The almost finished product. Just have to grout the floor and install a toilet and sink.
The almost finished product. Just have to grout the floor and install a toilet and sink.
Saturday morning James and I took Trevor, Alysia and their kids to Puerto Vallart to catch their flight at 8am. That meant we had to leave her before 3am. James and Trevor didn't get to bed till about 1am. Needless to say they were very tired and I had to do some of the driving.
We had about 6 hours to wait in PV because one of James other brothers, Robert, his wife Rhoda(who is Nelly's sister)and their three kids were flying in at 2pm. We went down town and had breakfast at McDonalds. We strolled around so in the market and I bought a few blankets and things that some friends and family had asked me to get, then we went to Home Depot and got some more supplies for the bathrooms.
By that time Robert and Rhoda had come in. We went to McDonalds and had some Ice Cream and once we left we all started to realize just how hungry we were so we went to the Outback Steak House and had Lunch.
We arrived back here at J&N by about 9pm. Corinne had made fresh lemon pie and apple pie. They invited the neighbours over and we all enjoy some nice home made pie. Now that we have finished eating I have found a few minutes to post this and it is a little after a 11pm and James and I are heading off to the Burger stand.
We had about 6 hours to wait in PV because one of James other brothers, Robert, his wife Rhoda(who is Nelly's sister)and their three kids were flying in at 2pm. We went down town and had breakfast at McDonalds. We strolled around so in the market and I bought a few blankets and things that some friends and family had asked me to get, then we went to Home Depot and got some more supplies for the bathrooms.
By that time Robert and Rhoda had come in. We went to McDonalds and had some Ice Cream and once we left we all started to realize just how hungry we were so we went to the Outback Steak House and had Lunch.
We arrived back here at J&N by about 9pm. Corinne had made fresh lemon pie and apple pie. They invited the neighbours over and we all enjoy some nice home made pie. Now that we have finished eating I have found a few minutes to post this and it is a little after a 11pm and James and I are heading off to the Burger stand.
It sounds like heaven- no night there! At least you never seem to be sleeping... Thanks so much for the blanket! I'm really excited! Miss you, praying for you, and come home soon.
I definitely would have wanted to try the seafood soup - it sounded delicious! I admit, the octopus tentacles Look a little freaky, but no doubt tasted great!
You and James could write a Book called, "The Bathroom Remodeling Adventure" or something! LOL!
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